~ The Art Of Change ~ with Carol Omer ~

Art and Creativity as Mediums for Empowerment , Connection and Change…

Word-Salads, their use and Coercive Control

Posted by carolom on July 2, 2023

The spotlight that is now shining on the Pentecostal Church alongside of a growing understanding about religious coercive control, and the psychological and emotional manipulation in high demand religious groups, cults and “personal development” groups is very timely. At no other time in history have unsuspecting people become a target for recruitment through digital devices, on line forums and e-marketing whilst sitting at home on the computer, unaware that the interesting group / person /community they have started to follow maybe a cult.

The term word salad is often used by researchers and educators to describe one of the psychological tactics that charismatic leaders used to draw people in, and then to keep them engaged and “mesmerised”.

The following list describes the definition of word salad and its implications for unsuspecting recruits and followers of the church /cult leader:

  1. Definition of Word Salad: In the context of religious coercive control and cult indoctrination, a word salad refers to a technique where cult leaders or manipulators use complex and confusing language, often filled with jargon, buzzwords, and abstract concepts, to create confusion and prevent clear understanding. The goal is to make the information difficult to grasp, leaving followers feeling intellectually overwhelmed and more dependent on the leader for interpretation.
  2. Inducing Dependency: Cult leaders employ word salads as a means to create dependency on their authority. By presenting convoluted and seemingly profound teachings, they establish themselves as the sole interpreters of these complex ideas. Followers then become reliant on the leader’s explanations and guidance, as they believe only the leader can understand and reveal the true meaning behind the confusing language.
  3. Suppressing Critical Thought: Word salads effectively suppress critical thinking by making it challenging for followers to analyse and question the content being presented. When language is purposely obscure and difficult to comprehend, individuals find it hard to engage in independent analysis or evaluate the ideas rationally. This lack of critical thought prevents followers from challenging the cult’s teachings or identifying potential flaws in their beliefs.
  4. Erosion of Autonomy: The use of word salads erodes followers’ autonomy by undermining their ability to think for themselves. When confronted with incomprehensible language, individuals may doubt their own intellectual capacity, leading them to rely more heavily on the cult leader’s guidance. This reliance fosters a sense of helplessness and reinforces the belief that only the leader possesses the necessary wisdom and knowledge.
  5. Manipulating Emotional Vulnerability: Word salads can exploit emotional vulnerabilities within individuals seeking a sense of belonging, purpose, or answers to life’s complexities. The confusion and complexity of the language can create a false sense of profundity, triggering emotional responses and a desire for the promised higher knowledge, reinforcing the attachment to the cult and its leader.
  6. Social Control and Group Cohesion: The use of word salads reinforces social control within the cult by isolating followers from external influences and limiting their access to alternative perspectives. As a result, the group’s cohesion strengthens, and dissenting voices from within are suppressed, as followers become increasingly reliant on the cult’s insular belief system.
  7. Repetition and Reinforcement: Cult leaders may repetitively present word salads during indoctrination sessions, increasing the likelihood that followers will internalise and eventually accept the confusing language as essential truths. Over time, this reinforcement solidifies the control of the leader over the followers’ thoughts and beliefs, making it even more challenging for individuals to break free from the indoctrination and regain their independent critical thinking abilities.

In summary, word salads are a powerful tool used by manipulative religious /cult leaders to control and indoctrinate followers.

By employing confusing and complex language, these leaders create dependency, suppress critical thought, erode autonomy, and manipulate emotional vulnerabilities, ultimately leading individuals to relinquish their ability to think independently and critically.

This breakdown of autonomy and critical thinking reinforces the leader’s control and enhances the cohesion of the cult group

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