~ The Art Of Change ~ with Carol Omer ~

Art and Creativity as Mediums for Empowerment , Connection and Change…

Spiritual Gaslighting by Religious & Cult leaders

Posted by carolom on July 1, 2023

#Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic used by individuals, including some religious and. cult leaders, to undermine the beliefs and perceptions of others.

In the context of religious coercive control, here are ten examples of gaslighting phrases that may be used to dominate the belief system, thoughts, and actions of targeted individuals:

  1. You’re just not spiritual enough to understand.” This phrase dismisses any doubts or questions an individual may have by implying that their lack of understanding is due to a personal failing rather than valid concerns.
  2. God revealed to me that you’re under the influence of evil.” By claiming divine insight, the cult leader suggests that any disagreement or resistance against their teachings is a result of external evil forces acting upon the targeted individual.
  3. Your doubts are a sign of weak faith.” This phrase aims to discourage critical thinking and self-reflection, dismissing any legitimate concerns or challenges to the cult leader’s /pastor’s teachings as a lack of faith.
  4. If you leave, you’ll lose your salvation.” Cult leaders may use fear-based tactics to prevent individuals from leaving, suggesting that leaving the group or questioning their authority will lead to eternal damnation or separation from God.( The all powerful Father figure).
  5. Only I can interpret the true meaning of the scriptures, you need to trust me.” By asserting exclusive interpretive authority, the cult leader discourages independent study or alternative perspectives, maintaining control over the followers’ understanding of religious texts.
  6. Your family and friends are trying to lead you astray they don’t understand /they are not saved like you are. Cult leaders may isolate individuals by discrediting their relationships outside the group, creating an “us versus them” mentality that further entrenches loyalty to the leader.
  7. Your negative experiences are a test from God.” This phrase minimises any negative experiences or abuses suffered within the group, suggesting that they are part of a divine plan or a test of faith that must be endured.
  8. You’re sinful, if you leave, you’ll never find salvation elsewhere.” Cult leaders may instil a sense of guilt or shame in individuals, making them believe that they are unworthy of seeking freedom or finding spiritual fulfilment outside the group.
  9. You’re misunderstanding; you should trust my interpretation.” By constantly redirecting doubts or questioning back to the cult leader’s interpretation, followers are discouraged from critically analysing the teachings or seeking alternative perspectives. It also means that you will no longer trust your intuition and will ignore that gut feeling that tells you something is not right. This can cost years of personal freedom and autonomy
  10. If you stray from the path that is clearly out set for you in the bible, you’ll be lost forever.” This phrase instills fear and dependence by suggesting that deviating from the cult leader’s guidance will result in a bleak future or spiritual ruin.

It is important to note that gaslighting can be highly manipulative and damaging. If you or someone you know is experiencing this type of coercive control or manipulation, it is essential to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals who can provide assistance

Image source: https://www.powerofpositivity.com/gaslighting-manipulating-signs/

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