~ The Art Of Change ~ with Carol Omer ~

Art and Creativity as Mediums for Empowerment , Connection and Change…

Beware The Silver Tongue

Posted by carolom on July 23, 2023

Silver Tongues. The gift of words and influence.

We see them on political campaigns, we hear about their impact as charismatic cult leaders.

At the extreme end of the spectrum we have seen the footage of Hitler wielding his poisonous Silver Tongue, seducing every day people to agree to the most horrendous crimes against humanity using a fast paced hypnotic cadence, making the unimaginable hideously real.

And we’ve seen the documentary segments of Hillsong’s Brian Houston compelling crowds to religious fervour, engaging with the same kinds of charismatic language and call to deep diving on the inside, in a fashion similar to how personal development GuruTony Robbins who bursts onto stage like a rockstar can make a stadium weep, laugh or cry and swipe their card$ for the next-level -sometimes all at the same time!

Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, influential men wielding their world view in a sometimes menacing manner, mentors to some, tormentors to others.

If you have sat through watching an interview with Jordan Peterson as he oscillates between tears and outrage, moral indignation, charismatic metaphors and profound wordsmithery you have witnessed a Silver Tongue in rapid action

Silver-tongues who wield uncompromising and unapologetic influence on those who project aspiration and power upon them.

I was asked if all Silver Tongues are “evil”-no, they are often men who are ambitious, opinionated and driven by the quest for recognition.

However some are “evil”, whereas others like Jordan Peterson who moves rapidly through words and concepts tears and outrage and indignation whilst barely taking a pause to reflect, are voraciously dedicated to imprinting their version of reality upon the consciousness of others.

Silver Tongues.

When the Silver Tongue misuses, exploits or manipulates their gifts of language, charisma and charm they can leave devastation in their wake.

We’ve seen how some can divide a country politically, convince their followers to agree to murder and suicide. Online they can charm unsuspecting, sincerely- seeking singles to handover their trust, their money and their possessions.

So who or what is the Silver Tongue?

In historical contexts, a Silver Tongue is a term used to describe a person who possesses an extraordinary talent for eloquence and persuasion.

These individuals are exceptionally skilled in the art of rhetoric and speech, capable of captivating audiences with their smooth, persuasive, and often seductive language.

The term can be traced back to ancient times when orators, philosophers, and statesmen were renowned for their ability to sway public opinion and influence political decisions through their words.

Super Powers of the Silver Tongue:

The primary superpower of a Silver Tongue lies in their ability to use language as a potent tool for manipulation and influence.

They can weave compelling narratives, appeal to emotions, and present arguments so persuasively that they can bend the will of others to their desires. Their charisma and charm enable them to create an aura of trustworthiness, making people more receptive to their ideas and suggestions.

Spotting a Silver Tongue: Identifying a Silver Tongue can be challenging, as their charm and eloquence can mask their true intentions. However, there are certain signs to watch for:

  1. Flattery and Compliments: A Silver Tongue often starts interactions with generous praise and compliments, making the other person feel special and valued.
  2. Confidence and Poise: They exude confidence and appear comfortable in social situations, making it easy for them to engage with and influence others.
  3. Emotional Appeal: A Silver Tongue knows how to play on emotions, appealing to people’s hopes, fears, and desires to sway their decisions.
  4. Avoiding Specifics: They may use ambiguous language or avoid providing clear details when discussing certain topics, allowing them to be more adaptable and avoid commitments.
  5. Shifting Focus: When faced with scrutiny or challenging questions, a Silver Tongue may quickly shift the focus of the conversation to more comfortable territory.

Protecting Oneself Against Their Charm: While a Silver Tongue can be alluring, it is essential to be cautious and maintain a level of skepticism when dealing with them. Here are some tips for protecting oneself:

  1. Stay Informed: Be well-informed about the subject being discussed so you can critically assess the arguments presented.
  2. Verify Claims: Fact-check any information presented to ensure its accuracy and validity.
  3. Trust Your Gut: If something feels too good to be true, it might be worth investigating further.
  4. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications or more information to gauge the authenticity of their claims.
  5. Take Time: Avoid making impulsive decisions when under the influence of a Silver Tongue. Give yourself time to reflect and weigh the options carefully.

By being aware of the superpowers of a Silver Tongue and adopting protective measures, individuals can navigate encounters with eloquent persuaders more effectively and make decisions based on rationality and genuine understanding rather than succumbing to manipulation.

Is there a correlation between cult leaders and Silver Tongues?

Yes, there is often a correlation between cult leaders and individuals with Silver Tongue qualities. Cult leaders, by definition, are charismatic and persuasive figures who have a remarkable ability to influence and manipulate their followers. Their Silver Tongue abilities play a significant role in gaining and maintaining control over their cult members. Here’s how the correlation manifests:

1. Charisma and Persuasion: Both cult leaders and Silver Tongues possess exceptional charisma and persuasion skills. They can charm and captivate their audience, making people feel special and drawn to their message. This charm is often a key factor in attracting and retaining followers.

2. Manipulation and Influence: Cult leaders and Silver Tongues are adept at manipulating the emotions and beliefs of others. They use persuasive language and emotional appeal to gain the trust and loyalty of their followers. By leveraging their Silver Tongue abilities, they can create a sense of dependency, making it difficult for followers to question or leave the group.

3. Creating a Narrative: Both cult leaders and Silver Tongues are skilled at creating compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience. They present their ideas and beliefs in a way that addresses the needs and desires of their followers, providing a sense of purpose and belonging.

4. Instilling a Sense of Authority: Cult leaders often present themselves as authoritative figures, claiming special knowledge or a unique connection to higher powers. Their persuasive communication style reinforces this perception, leading followers to accept their guidance without question.

5. Emotional Manipulation: Silver Tongues and cult leaders can evoke strong emotional responses in their followers. They may use fear, guilt, or promises of a better future to maintain control over their followers’ actions and beliefs.

6. Cult of Personality: Both cult leaders and Silver Tongues often foster a cult of personality around themselves. Their followers may become deeply devoted to them, seeing them as almost infallible or god-like figures.

It’s important to note that possessing Silver Tongue qualities does not necessarily mean someone is a cult leader or that they have malicious intentions.

Many individuals with persuasive communication skills use their abilities responsibly and ethically. However, the correlation between charisma and manipulation highlights the potential dangers associated with cult leaders and unscrupulous individuals who use their Silver Tongue powers to exploit others for personal gain or control.

Being aware of these traits can help individuals recognise and protect themselves against undue influence or manipulation.

Image source https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/english/news-and-events/news-archive/2010/the-silver-tongue.html

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