~ The Art Of Change ~ with Carol Omer ~

Art and Creativity as Mediums for Empowerment , Connection and Change…

The Benevolent Narcissist.

Posted by carolom on May 28, 2024

Have you heard about the  “Benevolent Narcissist”?

You may have encountered them in an NGO, an organisation created for the better and the good, or in a church where  that person at the top just seems like they are all about power and control behind their mask of good deeds and benevolence.

#Cult leaders usually tick all of the boxes of the Benevolent Narcissist, however in relation to cults, the benevolence will often end as soon as people are hooked in and committed.

I recommend the podcast A Little Bit Culty as a fabulous source for understanding the narcissistic psychology  of cult leaders and the process of recovery.

Or maybe it’s that person in the media who represents a particular issue but there’s something about their manner that makes you feel uncomfortable and ill at ease?

It’s possible you may be encountering the Benevolent Narcissist who can be   harder to spot than  other narcissists because they will often place themselves  in a position of being seen to do good in the eyes of the world. 

They are very media savvy and know how to exploit publicity.

I first came across this term on the long and ongoing journey of reconciling how one of my family members was targeted for Pentecostal conversion at her highschool when she was a 15-year-old minor and the way that the person,  who she referred to as The Pastor in her recovery memoir,  moved onto high profile positions in the domestic violence and refugee sectors,  in spite of his history  of recruiting teenagers on isolated Pentecostal conversion camps and the devastating impact of his unsupervised access to high school kids.


Wolf in Sheeps Clothing- how to spot religious coercive control:

The following article provides valuable information to identify the #BenevolentNarcissist and the tactics that they use.

It is my experience that by identifying the inner circle of influence in an organisation and using love bombing and flattery to enter into that circle,  they get that first  foot in the door that eventually ends up becoming the footprint others must follow.

Thank you to the women who have sent me inboxes sharing your experience in relation to The Pastor as identified in my family members memoir.

I understand why it is difficult to speak out and I appreciate you sharing your stories and your ongoing reconciliation about what happened.

The Benevolent Narcissist:


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